The USA had a war over several issue between the states (Civil War). Big among those issues was how much power do states have versus the federal government. That argument continues without war. The Episcopal Church is now having the same argument, and hopefully that will continue without splitting apart the people who are in discussion and some peaceful resolution will come to bear.
The Anglican Communion is a communion of Churches from the Anglican Tradition who are made up of Provinces who are totally self governing. Those provinces are divided into dioceses who are in turn self governing within the province. In recent years discussion has turned into arguing about who has the final say. There are those provinces who want either an an authority figure or a group to have final say on issues within the church as to the rules, canons, and laws by which we govern ourselves. There are those within our Province of the USA who want to be a part of us without adhering to the canons, rules and laws of the Province.
Currently the standard of operation is that the provinces are self governing, and Dioceses within the USA are obligated by the Province Canons and Constitution. Now, all that is up for discussion or argument. The arguing is what disturbs me. Discussion gives me hope. I pray that we are careful as we argue. The next step in arguing is fighting which leads to war, and both nations and church have a history of war, not to mention religions between religions. My distress is not over who wins, but is over how it is won. When war decides, that makes power either our god or the ruling characteristic of our god. Love, Mercy, Hope, Forgiveness,and Faith are left for relatively small matters rather than determining factors. This should be distressing for all Christians.
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